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i’ve recently realized 3 things about myself. 

First, i have this 6th sense that leads me to pinecones. Yes, pinecones. Let me show you. 








                                                            Mind-boggling. i know. 

    But there is some tiny, little thing about each pinecone i find that makes it so special. it’s grandiose size, the differing space between each scale, the way one side spirals like a staircase and the other stacks like books on a bookshelf. i’ve collected so many some say i’m obsessed. i agree. 

    Second, this 6th sense is not just for pinecones but for all the little things that pop up in my life. And this sense doesn’t draw me in like a cat to a lazer. no, it’s more like an unsuspected noticing. And that one little thing brings me so much joy. i could have just passed every pinecone on the sidewalk or immediately brushed away the ladybug on my shoulder, but something makes me stop and say wow. i never know when its going to happen, but i crave those wows. 

    Third, through my art, i get to create wows, those little moments that come and go but can last forever in your memory. it can literally be as small as a slight tilt of the head or a short locking of eyes between partners as they run past each other or the way the body creates its own rhythm within a song. Every little thing makes a difference. That’s what makes dance such a beautiful craft. We put everything into a work, the big and the small, and hope for someone to notice the wows. 

                                                                                                         — io

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